Turn your vision
for 2021 into
actionable habits

Retire those new years resolutions - build habits that develop sustainable personal and profressional growth. The secrets to your best self lies within your heart and your mind.

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    Connor Byrne

    Nutrition Coach

    Aspiring Triathlete

    Who am I?

    I graduated college in the worst shape of my life. Not only was I overweight, but I was sick. My mind was cloudy and I had submitted myself to the typical college vices: Nicotine and Alcohol.

    Since the day my diploma was handed to me, I’ve relentlessly pursued a new path. One that prioritized clean, whole food nutrition and driven dedication to exercise.

    What's in this PDF?

    • Give yourself space to think big about what you want to accomplish in 2021.
    • Based on James Clear's Atomic Habits - define positive habits and spot negative ones.
    • This PDF can be used by anyone -
      if you have a vision for where you see yourself one year from now, this worksheet will bring you value.